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Make an Impact to Aspire to

ESG Custodian is a holistic, pragmatic and fit-for-purpose ESG
Solution advocating sustainable practices into our your operations and supply chains while measuring their Financial Impact (Triple Bottom Line)

ESGCustodian - Control Tower

"We assist in finding ESG data for a purpose, rather than finding a purpose for the ESG data"

ESGCustodian - Make and Impact to Aspire to

Our SCM & ESG Control Tower

We provide a leading SaaS technology solution that connects Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) with their Operational, Supply Chain and Financial data to provide end-to-end scenarios that unlocks real business and a competitive value


ESGCustodian - (SCM &) ESG Control Tower - supports;

  • Reputational and Brand Risk

    • Businesses with a focus to combatting modern slavery in their supply chain are known to create consumer confidence, deliver higher quality products and gain market share

    • It provides transparency and accountability, showing stakeholders that the organisation is taking ESG seriously, leading to improved brand perception and customer loyalty

    • Businesses and individuals that have modern slavery in their operations and/ or supply chains are likely to face legal repercussions if their suppliers are involved in illegal conduct

  • Operational & Supply Chain Impact

    • Provides clarity in the operational and supply chain benefits, by improving modern slavery risk levels

    • Able to show new and existing staff members what actions are taken, enabling businesses to better attract and retain talent

    • Substantially increases operational, supply chain and overall business resilience

  • Financial impact

    • Businesses that connect their financials to ESG opportunities and recognise the importance of adapting to changing socio-economic and environmental conditions are better able to identify strategic opportunities and meet competitive challenges

    • It allows organisations to track and measure the financial impact of sustainable initiatives, identify areas for improvement, and optimise resource allocation

    • The investment community is investing in businesses that proactively govern and operate in an ethical and sustainable model, not only meeting ESG goals and targets, but also delivering financial benefits

    • The alignment between an organisation's Financials with ESG performance, allows access to a larger pool of capital (with favourable rates) and potentially benefit from more investment opportunities

All our Operational, Supply Chain and ESG Data Analytics and Visualisation services focusses on embedding ESG practices across our client's operations and supply chains, directly impacting their financials (Triple Bottom Line)


Unique Excellence uses the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a guidance to deliver its Fit-for-Purpose, Innovative Solutions

Data Visualisation for a financially sound ESG impact

Unique Excellence implements Supply Chain-related Environmental Social Governance (ESG) components to enable businesses to prioritise socially acceptable, ethical, and, of course, environmentally friendly supply chain activities.

We are committed to use the latest Data Analytics Solution(s) to provide our clients with deeper operational and supply chain intelligence, ensuring our client's supply chains are more sustainable, cost-effective and financially empowering.

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