Make an Impact to Aspire to
ESG Custodian is a holistic, pragmatic and fit-for-purpose ESG
Solution advocating sustainable practices into our your operations and supply chains while measuring their Financial Impact (Triple Bottom Line)
"We assist in finding ESG data for a purpose, rather than finding a purpose for the ESG data"
Our SCM & ESG Control Tower
We provide a leading SaaS technology solution that connects Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) with their Operational, Supply Chain and Financial data to provide end-to-end scenarios that unlocks real business and a competitive value
ESGCustodian - (SCM &) ESG Control Tower - supports;
Reputational and Brand Risk
Businesses with a focus to combatting modern slavery in their supply chain are known to create consumer confidence, deliver higher quality products and gain market share
It provides transparency and accountability, showing stakeholders that the organisation is taking ESG seriously, leading to improved brand perception and customer loyalty
Businesses and individuals that have modern slavery in their operations and/ or supply chains are likely to face legal repercussions if their suppliers are involved in illegal conduct
Operational & Supply Chain Impact
Provides clarity in the operational and supply chain benefits, by improving modern slavery risk levels
Able to show new and existing staff members what actions are taken, enabling businesses to better attract and retain talent
Substantially increases operational, supply chain and overall business resilience
Financial impact
Businesses that connect their financials to ESG opportunities and recognise the importance of adapting to changing socio-economic and environmental conditions are better able to identify strategic opportunities and meet competitive challenges
It allows organisations to track and measure the financial impact of sustainable initiatives, identify areas for improvement, and optimise resource allocation
The investment community is investing in businesses that proactively govern and operate in an ethical and sustainable model, not only meeting ESG goals and targets, but also delivering financial benefits
The alignment between an organisation's Financials with ESG performance, allows access to a larger pool of capital (with favourable rates) and potentially benefit from more investment opportunities
All our Operational, Supply Chain and ESG Data Analytics and Visualisation services focusses on embedding ESG practices across our client's operations and supply chains, directly impacting their financials (Triple Bottom Line)
Unique Excellence uses the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a guidance to deliver its Fit-for-Purpose, Innovative Solutions
We actively work with organisations which introduce governance across their supply chain operations, from first-tier suppliers to multi-tier suppliers, and clusters of suppliers to eliminate unlawful or unruly work conditions, worker rights, human rights and/or child labour. Overall we are actively working with organisations to combat Modern Slavery within their multi-layer supply chain.
Unique Excellence is passionate to work across the supply chain, enabling supply chain partners to work together. Only through open collaboration across the various supply chain partners and its customers, there is the ability to develop, implement and enhance collaborative innovation. Finding innovative solutions to the issues surrounding sustainable business practices together with suppliers builds parallel goals and an infrastructure for a new standard of supply chain operation.
Increasing end-to-end transparency and traceability from Farm to Fork has been a trending demand of supply chain participants and consumers from the brands they support and consume. Although this is apparent in most industries, the main focuss has been placed on the Food Supply Chain, through which food fraud has been a substantial issue. Recent research has highlighted that global food fraud costs the industry over $40 Bln.
Reducing climate impact in supply chain activities is a must, and Unique Excellence believes that this is a vital portion of all businesses’ cultural rhetoric. Developing a Circular Supply Chain model, which reduces the impact on our climate is key to a successful and sustainable supply chain. To accomplish this, there is a need for a strong understanding what your organisation can do, internally, to introduce cost-effective circular supply chain initiatives.
Sustainable supply chain action would clearly impact goals 14 and 15 both directly and indirectly. Unique Excellence is mainly active in the Food & Beverage sector, including many Agribusinesses. These organisations are able to introduce sustainable operational and supply chain initiatives which support both these critical UN goals.
No business can work in isolation to develop a culture around the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Unique Excellence has therefore been partnering with technology and non-technology organisations, incl. industry bodies and universities to introduce operational and supply chain strategies which include a standard for sustainable development. We strongly believe that partnerships throughout the industry, provide the foundation through which businesses thrive.
Unique Excellence implements Supply Chain-related Environmental Social Governance (ESG) components to enable businesses to prioritise socially acceptable, ethical, and, of course, environmentally friendly supply chain activities.
We are committed to use the latest Data Analytics Solution(s) to provide our clients with deeper operational and supply chain intelligence, ensuring our client's supply chains are more sustainable, cost-effective and financially empowering.